As we go into our backswing, the club, hands, arms & shoulders give or take a 100th of second, all move back together. As the swing reaches hip level and on up into the top of the backswing, the left arm (for right handers, and the right arm for left handers) remains straight and the right arm bends and stays close to the body as the shoulders continue to turn.

This bend in the right arm creates leverage and control of clubface alignment. So what we need to do is get the right arm back to the same position as it was at the beginning.

As the lower body, legs and hips, initiate the downswing it makes the arms a mirror image of the up swing, on your downswing, until it gets to hip level.
From here the right arm should still have its angle from the elbow maintained. (if not— work on this, start the lower body first and let the arms be pulled down, practice this move in the mirror to see and feel it) then drive the right arm down toward and through the ball up into the thru swing. This creates natural power and gets the clubface back to ball aiming straight ahead!!!

Enjoy your golf
