There is nothing as frustrating as making a good, smooth swing and then watching the ball bound in front of you with a hard numbing feeling up through your hands.

The main and pretty obvious reason why we top the ball, is that we swing up on the ball and strike the ‘Northern Hemisphere’ of the ball.

Number 1: swing throught, “hit down on the ball” and try to strike the part of the ball you cant see, ‘Southern Hemisphere’

With this little thought or Picture in mind, As you swing back the UPPER triangle (triangle formed by the shoulder and 2 arms) Create an ‘L’ between the left arm and the club shaft on the way back, hit down and thru the ball, then finish off or at least into the finish of the through swing, Create a mirror image of that ‘L’ shape between the right arm and club shaft.

This motion and easy to picture technique creates a natural strong body motion but above all makes it simple to be always hitting down on the ball for solid contact leaving you all to do is fell that flush

Enjoy your golf
